One flew under the Cuckoo's nest: Portland city council approves new "Formula Business"

February 1, 2007 in Articles

Author: Greg Perry
Publication: New England Real Estate Journal
In the early morning hours of November 21st, 2006, Portland's city council narrowly voted to approve a new "Formula Business" ordinance for several sections of the city's commercial district.
THe purpose of the ordinance, as stated by the city council of Portland, was to "regulate the number and location of formula businesses in order to maintain the city's unique character, the diversity and vitality of the city's commercial districts, and the quality of life of Portland residents". (Continued on PDF)
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Percentage Rent Can Make Sense

December 24, 2006 in Articles

Author: Matthew Cardente
Publication: Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram

Retail leases should be a partnership between landlord and tenant. One way to help achieve that relationship is percentage rent—a method of compensation in which the tenant pays a percent of annual gross sales to the landlord.

Typically found in large shopping centers, percentage rent can be used for all types of retail, including servicerelated businesses, and smaller properties like a convenience store or restaurant. To date, the rent structure is rare in Maine; but with continued expansion in the state’s retail market, the arrangement is expected to become more prominent. (Continued on PDF)

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Creative Investment Solutions

November 3, 2006 in Articles

Author: Nathan DeLois
Publication: Northeast Real Estate Journal

In 2001, the tech-sector busted and many major cities lost large tenants who left behind empty office space. In Portland however, it was business as usual. By 2003, the national vacancy rate was over 16% while Greater Portland’s vacancy rate was just over 6%. Needless to say, investors found this scenario attractive and income-producing investment properties were unloaded by the handful to local and out-of-state investors alike. While, Maine remains a stable real estate investment market, this fact is no longer a secret. And, as the demand for tenanted real estate continues to outweigh the supply over the past couple years, it takes a creative new approach to yield high investment returns. (Continued on PDF)

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